Deploy OPAL+
With OPAL+, you get access to private Docker images that include additional features and capabilities. To apply for Permit OPAL+, fill in the form available here
In order to access the OPAL+ Docker images, you need to have Docker Hub credentials with an access token. Those should be received from your Customer Success manager. Reach out to us on Slack if you need assistance.
Accessing the OPAL+ Docker Images
To access the OPAL+ Docker images, you need to log in to Docker Hub with your credentials. You can do this by running the docker login command:
docker login -u <username> -p <password>
If you are using Kubernetes, check out the Kubernetes documentation on how to pull images from a private registry.
After logging in, you can pull the OPAL+ Docker images using the following commands:
docker pull permitio/opal-plus:latest
Running the OPAL+ Docker Images
Running the OPAL+ Docker images is similar to running the open-source OPAL images.
Check out the OPAL Docker documentation for more information.